2015年6月23日 星期二

Create sample project(1) - Spring MVC + JBoss

Actually, this pototype is stole from somewhere...
Anyway, I think this a good way to start my work.
So, let start...

Later, maybe I will research why JBoss is a good AP Server Choice, and compare with other ap server(or http server). But, this is a huge work. I desire to build something first. Otherwise, the reasons why I prefer Spring MVC be my MVC framework. Maybe it is not the best choice, but on least it work perfect on Spring framework. Maybe I will also research MVC framework later.


There are some stuffs, we need to download before starting development.
Eclipse Luna
JBoss EAP 6.4
Maven 3.3.3

Extra Config and Plugin

If we don't find the Maven Central,  we will need to setup the Maven repository url.
Preference->Maven->Archetypes->Add Remote Catalog...
Catalog File = http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml
Description = Maven Central

And, we can install the JBoss plugin on Eclipse(many feathers which we can use).

Import Maven Project

We can quickly import the sample project from the remote Maven repository.
This is one is our need.

Setup Server and Run

Use startup or Server Perspective

See the Result


I cut out a lot of details, just show the key point for my note. JBoss has its own default H2 database, so we can see some database applications. Next step, we will create our own database and JPA(implemented by Hibernate) config.

Github link


